Saturday, July 31, 2010

30 Day Drawing Challenge.

Yup, gonna start this sucker found here:

It'll at least give me some direction as far as arts goes, since I've been so utterly unproductive lately, BLEH! I'll probably officially start doodling up stuff Monday, since I gotta be at work and then the parents tomorrow for family dinner which kills my whole day pretty much. Anyhow, Yeah, here's to hoping I manage it! *cheers*

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Floating Heads AHOY!

When I start out designing new characters I always start with a bust shot, dunno' why, it's just a quick, dirty way to do it. So here we have Pender, cute eh? ( Btw, he's a Vorambi which are not mine, they're the creation of a good friend of mine!)

And here we have Vell, he's a sweet guy, a little bit of a jerk , but we can't all be perfect eh? He's the son of a gang leader and..well, an insane woman. So needless to say his childhood wasn't exactly stellar.
Goofy little vent doodle I did, seems that everything I eat lately makes me bloat up like a balloon. Yaaay so fun (/enthusiasm)